Wind Chill Calculator

Wind Chill Calculator

What the temperature feels like to your body: 21.63 ºF

Wind Chill Calculator

This calculator calculates the body’s temperature as a function of wind speed and real air temperature. The calculator is accurate for air temperatures ranging from -50°F to 50°F.

What is the definition of wind chill?

In the winter, the body’s temperature is usually lower than the actual ambient temperature. This is comparable to the body feeling hotter in the summer when there is a lot of humidity. For further information, see the Heat Index Calculator.
Heat is lost from a surface, such as the skin of a person’s body, through conduction, convection, and radiation. Although both conduction and radiation are important for heat transmission, convection is the primary cause of wind chill temperature. Heat transfer is described as the bulk movement of molecules within fluids such as gases and liquids, such as wind. In simple terms, when the air around a person moves, it disturbs the heated air around it, enabling cooler air to replace it. The surface cools quicker as the wind speed increases, as does the movement of the surrounding air. The pace at which heat is lost increases as a consequence of wind chill. The body’s natural reaction to higher heat loss is to generate more heat in order to maintain surface temperature, resulting in the impression of lower temperatures as a consequence of the increased heat loss.

What is the formula for wind chill?

Because of the impression of lower temperatures produced by wind, several different formulae have been developed to try to qualitatively anticipate the impact of wind on this perceived temperature. Because wind chill temperature is not an exact science, weather services in various nations employ regional standards, thus their estimates may vary from those given by local weather services in other areas. This calculator employs the formula established by the United States’ National Weather Service, which is given below.
Wind Chill Temperature = 35.74 + 0.6215×T – 35.75×V0.16 + 0.4275×T×V0.16M
Where T is the actual air temperature in Fahrenheit, V is the wind speed in mph.


When skin or other tissue is exposed to cold temperatures, frostbite may develop. Numbness, discoloration of the skin, and a sensation of cold are usually the initial symptoms of frostbite, especially in the extremities of the body. Hypothermia (described below) and compartment syndrome, a disease characterised by inadequate blood flow to tissue in a specific area, are more severe consequences.
The rate at which frostbite develops is determined by the temperature and amount of exposure. People who are exposed to low temperatures for prolonged periods of time, such as those who engage in winter sports, perform occupations that require being outdoors in cold temperatures for longer periods of time, and those who are homeless, are more prone to get frostbite.

Symptoms and signs:

Frostbite has been characterised in the past in terms of degrees of frostbite, similar to how burns are defined:

Frostbite in the first degree:

Damage to the skin that isn’t typically permanent.
In the following weeks, your skin may peel off.

Frostbite in the second degree:

Blisters develop, and the skin’s surface hardens.
In the following weeks, blistered skin will dry, blacken, and peel.
Cold sensitivity and numbness may be persistent.

Frostbite of the third degree:

Tissue under the surface of the skin freezes.
Blisters and blue skin discolouration are common.
In the following weeks, a blackened crust forms, and the agony continues.
Ulceration and long-term damage to the growth plates are possible outcomes.

Frostbite of the fourth degree:

Tendons, bones, and muscles are all impacted in some way.
Skin becomes hard and colourless, and rewarming happens without pain. Skin turns black and mummified later, and the amount of irreversible damage may not be recognised for up to a month.


Frostbite may be avoided by taking specific measures when a person is exposed to cold temperatures. These are some of them:
Covering the skin and scalp, avoiding constrictive footwear and clothes, and staying active are all things to consider
Temperatures below -15°C should be avoided.
• Removing any traces of alcohol and drugs
Putting on layers of clothes
The use of warming devices
Recognizing the early symptoms of frosting (similar to frostbite but does not involve ice crystal formation in the skin)


Hypothermia is a condition in which the body loses more heat than it absorbs, resulting in a drop in body temperature. Hypothermia is defined as a core temperature of less than 95.0°F (35.0°C) in humans. Shivering to cardiac arrest are all possible symptoms.
Hypothermia is most frequently caused by exposure to very cold temperatures. Other factors that may cause it include alcohol intoxication, low blood sugar, anorexia, and old age.

Hypothermia (mild):

Physiological reactions that help to keep the body warm


Increased heart and respiratory rates, as well as blood pressure and urine output

Hypothermia of moderate severity:

Additional mental perplexity
Speech slurred
Fine motor abilities and reflexes are deteriorating.

Hypothermia with a high risk of death:

Physiological systems begin to deteriorate, resulting in lower cardiac, respiratory, and blood pressure rates.
Undressing that happens as a consequence of a person suffering from moderate to severe hypothermia being disoriented and bewildered is known as paradoxical undressing. This accounts for 25 to 50 percent of hypothermia-related fatalities. Terminal burrowing is a habit that happens when a person is in the last stages of hypothermia and occupies tiny, confined places. Winter attire is required.
Low temperatures may cause frostbite and hypothermia, both of which can result in severe, long-term, and occasionally life-threatening problems. As a result, it’s important to dress properly and be aware of the dangers connected with prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. The following is some basic tips on staying warm and safe in various degrees of cold. Staying outside below specified temperatures should be avoided at all costs owing to severe health hazards.
Dress warmly for temperatures ranging from 32 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit (0 to -10 degrees Celsius).
If you remain outdoors for extended periods of time without sufficient protection, you risk hypothermia. 15 to -15°F (-10 to -25°C): If you stay outside for long periods of time without proper protection, you risk hypothermia. Layer your clothes to keep warm. A light, wicking layer to absorb sweat is a good place to start, followed by a heavier layer of fleece, polyester, or wool to insulate the body. Depending on the conditions, the outer layer should be windproof and preferably waterproof. Put on a hat, mittens, and scarf to keep warm. -15 to -50°F (-25 to -45°C): If you remain outdoors for extended periods of time without appropriate protection, you risk frostbite on exposed skin and hypothermia. A light wicking base layer, fleece, wind, and water-resistant upper layer, similar to how you would dress in 15 to -15°F, should be worn. All exposed skin, especially the face and hands, should be covered. If required, additional layers, such as a synthetic or down jacket, may be worn for extra warmth.
Exposed skin may freeze (frostbite) in minutes at -50 to -75°F (-45 to -60°C), causing long- term, possibly irreversible damage. If you remain outdoors for too long, you risk becoming hypothermia. Dress in layers of extremely warm clothes with additional insulating layers and a wind and water-resistant outer layer, as recommended in the preceding temperature ranges. All exposed skin, especially the face and hands, should be covered. Limit outside activities to brief periods of time or, better still, cancel them altogether.
Outdoor temperatures of -75°F (-60°C) and below are dangerous. In less than two minutes, exposed flesh may freeze. Stay indoors.