BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator


BMI Calculator

The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator takes into account a person's age when it is used to determine BMI and weight status. You may convert between US and metric units using the "Metric Units" tab or the "Other Units" option. We should remember that the calculator provides a Ponderal Index reading with BMI calculations, which are described in full below.

Introduction to BMI

The BMI, or body mass index, is a mathematical formula that is used to gauge a person's weight about their height. It is designed to provide an estimate of a person's lean or fat mass. It is used as a basic gauge of a person's body weight relative to their height. It's based on BMI (body mass index) calculations that classify individuals as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese, as the number falls into one of four categories. BMI classifications vary by location and age and may be further be categorized as underweight or extremely obese. Being either overweight or underweight is harmful to one's health, thus although BMI isn't an accurate means of determining optimal body weight, it may indicate if further testing or intervention is necessary. Use the table below to view the many categories that the calculator uses depending on BMI.

Table of body mass index values for adults

WHO-recommended adult body weight, based on BMI values, is shown below. The vaccine is appropriate for all genders and adults ages 18 and older.

Category BMI range - kg/m 2
Severe Thinness< 16
Moderate Thinness 16 - 17
Mild Thinness 17 - 18.5
Normal 18.5 - 25
Overweight 25 - 30
Obese Class I 30 - 35
Obese Class II 35 - 40
Obese Class III > 40

BMI chart for adults

This is a graph of BMI classifications based on the World Health Organization statistics. The dashed lines indicate subgroups within a main category.

BMI deficits

Although BMI is helpful and widespread, it nevertheless has its flaws. BMI is a gross measurement that doesn't consider fat. BMI should be evaluated in conjunction with other measures since a person's weight depends on the distribution of fat, muscle, and bone mass, as well as the different body types that are present.
Over- 18s:
BMI, being a measurement of extra weight rather than fat, is not completely accurate. Other variables include age, sex, ethnicity, muscle mass, and body fat, as well as physical activity, in addition to BMI. Someone who is overweight yet fit according to their weight may
nonetheless have large quantities of body fat if they are not active in their everyday lives. This is harmful compared to someone of the same BMI but has a greater muscle mass. For bodybuilders, especially those who are overweight owing to muscular mass, they may be really of a healthy weight for their body composition. Generally, the CDC claims: For people of the same BMI, elderly individuals are more likely to have higher body fat levels.
Women tend to have a higher body fat percentage than males of the same BMI. Individuals with higher BMIs may be muscular and athletes who have been trained rigorously.

Children and teenagers :

In addition to adults, children and adolescents are limited by the same constraints in terms of BMI efficacy. In addition, the levels of sexual maturity and height may affect the BMI and body fat levels of children. Children who are obese have a higher amount of body fat with a BMI, whereas the weight of children who are overweight is deceptive and a consequence of high fat-free muscular mass (all body components except for fat, which includes water, organs, muscle, etc.). In leaner kids, BMI may be different owing to the level of fat-free mass.
However, the fact that BMI is reasonably accurate for 90-95% of the population and maybe successfully used in conjunction with other methods to assess healthy body weight should be noted.

BMI equation

Here are the formulae used to calculate BMI using a 5'10", a 160-pound person as an example in the International System of Units (SI) and the US customary system (USC):
Body Mass Index Similar to BMI, the Ponderal Index (PI) gauges a person's corpulence or leanness by taking their height and weight into account. Compared to the BMI, the PI formula squares height rather than cubing it (provided below). BMI helps gauge obesity in big groups but is not accurate when used to measure corpulence or leanness in individuals. However, the PI has more reliability when used with taller or shorter people since it displays more believable results for body fat percentages at the tall and short extremities of the height and weight range. A paraphrase of the formula for calculating personal individual PI, this time using a 5'10", 160-pound example: